

Fall Native Plant Sale - pre-order pick-up and sale (Day 1 of 2-day event)

This event has ended
Friday, September 15th, 2023
to (Eastern Time)
Connecticut College, 33 Gallows Ln, CT, 06375 Map

Public Welcome Family Friendly Seed/Plant Sale Public Restroom Free Public Parking

Fall is the best season to plant many native plants. This year’s sale will be slightly different: only woody plants need to be pre-ordered online.  We are selling an expanded selection of 1-2 gal pots of trees and shrubs, all locally grown. Flowering perennials, grasses and other member-grown plants for sale during pick-up hours.  We are not able to publish an exact list of the plants that will be for available, but expect to have an interesting and diverse selection. Check back soon for pre-ordering information.

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