Meeting Minutes January 5, 2024

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Meeting Minutes
January 5, 2024
CT Audubon Roger Tory Peterson Estuary Center

Present: Arline Culp, Christopher Dustin, Donna Kaffenberger, Susan Kinsman (arriving late), Lydia Pan, Robin Parsons, Sue Stark
Absent: Allen Gauthier, Fatima Matos, Maggie Redfern
Guests: Linda Sargent

Meeting called to order at 10:24 a.m.

1) Minutes from last Board meeting (12/8/23): unanimously approved.

2) Standing Updates
The document (“Who We Are 2023”) was updated for Board review.
This document should be used for soliciting program speakers as well as for general outreach.
Lydia can provide additional support with handouts, materials, seeds, etc. for outreach events.
Advocacy, Correspondence, Misc.:
SCORP comments were submitted and their receipt acknowledged (copies archived in Advocacy
folder). Board members should be on the alert for other long-range plans involving public
Support letter for Lynde Point lighthouse project was submitted (copy archived in
Correspondences folder).

The following documents, related to programming, were provided for review and updating as
needed. Let Lydia know of any needed revisions:
Program Info Template
Speaker Info Request
Program Planning Guide SOP
Program Calendar Handout (to be updated for 2024)

3) Old Business: 
Chapter By-Laws:
Susan Kinsman has taken the lead on this. To be taken up at the next Board meeting.
“State of the Chapter Report” is due on January 31 st . Discussion of what we can be especially
proud of in 2023 highlighted membership levels (stable at around 135 active memberships),
outreach, geographical spread, engagement, and diverse programming. Lydia will reach out to
other Board members for assistance as needed with our SOCR submission.

Treasurer’s Report:
2023 year-end balance: $15, 371.77
Current balance: $15, 270.24
Dec. income:
Membership: $341.00
Potluck meeting: $55.75 (seed swap $35.00, raffle $20.75)
Total plant sale deposits: $15,059.26
(Total plant sale expenses: $11,743.33)
Net income from plant sale: $3315.93
Total 2023 dues received from National: $1250.50
Total expense for 2023 program speakers (fees or donations): $600
Treasurer’s report was unanimously approved.

4) New Business: 
2024 Program planning (facilitated by Linda Sargent):
The following is a summary of the program planning workshop facilitated by Linda Sargent. The
workshop began with an “idea harvest.” Board members suggested the following as program
Managing (“editing”) backyard landscapes
Beneficial insects
Deer pressure
Propagating “difficult” plants (from seed)
Urban gardening
Tree initiatives
Ecosystem/ecological restoration: coordinate removal of invasives with planting of natives
Understanding habitats (e.g., bird gardening)
Plant communities
Seedling ID workshops (native and invasive plants)
Native plant initiative in West Haven, featuring installations.
Ongoing removal/restoration project on shoreline: site visit
Hands-on programs
“Show Me/Help Me” site visits
Events in addition to December meeting for gathering of general membership (summer picnic?)
Programs targeted at audiences that are less aware of the important of native plants
Programs that feature more specialized, complex topics
Under Linda’s direction, Board members will work to populate the program calendar for 2024:
See  Program Planning document.

5) Next Meeting: Feb. 2, 2024, 9:00 a.m., via Zoom
Meeting was adjourned at 12:09 p.m. for lunch and socializing.

Respectfully submitted,
Christopher Dustin, Secretary