Regional Nurseries
Blue Moon Farm Perennials, 173 Saugatucket Road, Wakefield, RI offers native perennials grown in containers. They sell cut flowers and will design and fill your planters.
Blue Stem Natives, 376 Washington St, Norwell, MA. A women-owned, Wild Ones-inspired business expanding their offerings.
Earth Tones Native Plant Nursery, 212 Grassy Hill Rd, Woodbury, CT has a Plant Search Wizard for roughly 400 locally grown natives. They have an online catalog and price list and will fill orders for pickup at their nursery starting in April.
Helia Native Nursery, 95 East Rd. West Stockbridge, MA. The nursery grows native perennials, trees and shrubs, preserving native genotypes through seed banking. The nursery is a companion business to Helia Land Design and continues the mission of the former Project Native to save unique Berkshire native plant seed and propagate plants from those seeds. HNN sells plants and seeds to landscape design clients and to the public as part of an effort to restore and expand threatened Berkshire ecosystems. A resource for those in Ecoregion 58 (highlands of northwestern CT). Availability upon request by emailing Nursery Manager Amillie Coster.
Judge’s Farm, Old Lyme, CT Wholesale nursery, continues to expand offerings of local ecotype natives.
Kelly Family Homestead, Enfield, CT. A small family run nursery that sells native plants, shrubs and trees, also annual and perennial food, and forest crops (all organic).
Lindera Nursery, Falls Village, CT-Michele Paladino.
Long Island Natives, Eastport, NY is a division of Country Gardens Nursery that specializes in growing container trees for use in conservation efforts for parks departments, municipalities, and native gardeners, for local habitat restoration and re-vegetation projects. Local seed sources are used whenever possible. Wholesale or retail ($250 minimum). All visits by appointment only. Delivery available within 6 hour drive of nursery or by special arrangement.
Native, 1899 Bronson Rd, Fairfield, CT has good selection of woody and herbaceous natives.
Native Plant Trust, In addition to individual species, curated plant collections for various growing conditions and pollinator “kits” may be purchased. Pre-order for pickup at Garden in the Woods (Framingham, MA) or Nasami Farm (Whately, MA) during the growing season (see website for dates).
New England Wetland Plants, Inc., Amherst, MA is a wholesale plant nursery offering a variety of native plants and trees, wetland seed mixes, and soil erosion control products for use in Conservation, Wetland Restoration, Water Quality Basins, and Natural Landscaping by landscape contractors, designers, and municipalities.
Northeast Pollinator Perennials, Fairfax, VT. Owner Jane Sorensen also co-owns River Berry Farm. Plants and garden plant collections for distinct growing conditions, plants are seed-grown locally (but not from local seed).
Rewild Native Plant Nursery, Canton, CT- Lisa Newell, since 2021, CT NOFA, ELA.
Urbanscapes Native Plant Nursery, New Haven, CT sells native grasses, perennials, shrubs and vines that are vital to a healthy bird population.
Wild Seed Project, Maine. A 501(c)(3) nonprofit that sells the seeds of locally grown native plants as part of its mission. The website also has terrific resources about how to propagate natives from seed in our region. (Heather McCargo is a Wild Ones Member Partner at Large.)
Seasonal Sales
Aspetuck Land Trust. 2024 Spring Native Plant Sale ordering begins 4/12 (members only 4/5) for pickup on 5/17 Haskins Preserve, Westport, CT
Connecticut River Coastal Conservation District 2025 Annual Plant Sale is underway. Pre-order deadline is 4/6 Pick-up May 2-4 at Chester Fairgrounds.
North Central Conservation District is holding a spring 2025 Plant Sale. Pre-ordering is open (deadline 4/9) for pick-up April 25/26. Bare-root orders due March 11th.
Northwest Conservation District is holding an Earth Day 2025 Plant Sale. Pre-ordering is open (deadline 4/16) for pick-up April 25-27.
Rhode Island Wild Plant Society will hold its next plant sales on May 10, 2025 and Sept 6, 2025. Most plants are local ecotypes grown by their own members. No pre-orders, get there early for a good selection!
Tiny Meadow Farm. Danbury, CT. 2025 spring plant sale is accepting orders for pick-up during the first 3 weeks in May. Quantities limited.
Online Nurseries
American Beauties Native Plants ® is a brand created by Prides Corner Farm (Lebanon, CT) and North Creek Nurseries (Oxford, PA) that includes a range of North American natives, so not all listed plants are native to the Northeast. The brand website has a locator for retailers who carry their plants., A farmer-led seed collective supplying ecotypic seeds for our ecoregion 59 to restore native habitat at home or at large (spawned by the Ecotype Project)
Ernst Conservation Seed, Meadville, PA – sells bulk seed for single species and mixes (by the pound) for sustainable landscaping and ecological restoration. Seed ecotypes are specified. Very knowledgeable and helpful staff. Downloadable planting guides
Izel Native Plants is an online marketplace for native plants. Searches are zipcode-based. Izel acts as a retail platform for many wholesalers who do not otherwise sell directly to the public. Because the plants are shipped, Izel is best for smaller sizes of perennials, grasses and ferns (plug trays up to quart-size pots) and bare root stock. Some trees and shrubs are available, but mostly as seedlings.
Menunkatuck Audubon ongoing online “Plant Sale for the Birds” in partnership with Urbanscapes Native Plant Nursery.
New Moon Nursery, Woodstown, NJ (near Wilmington, DE, wholesale only) Eastern native perennial plant material for landscape professionals, container production, storm water management, and restoration. New Moon grows all plant material as deep plugs (50 or 72 per tray). The nursery also grows a selection of non-native plants used in the landscape/nursery trade.
North Creek Nurseries, Oxford, PA is a large grower and wholesaler that sells online to the public via the Natives are chiefly sold in trays of 32 or 50 landscape plugs (all of a single type). The searchable web catalog is a good resource, with detailed information including range map on each species page.
Pinelands Direct Native Plants, Columbus, NJ. Home gardeners can buy landscape plugs (minimum 5 per species) andtree seedlings to be shipped to your home
Prairie Moon Nursery, Winona, MN. Seed, seed mixes and plugs from over 400 species native to New England. Prairie Moon is great resource for plant information including germination codes, growing conditions, and plant value to wildlife. Their excellent learning center will help make your project a success.
Roundstone Native Seeds, Upton, KY. Seed and seed mixes from over 300 species (native and naturalized in the eastern US) grown in six different locations to provide regionally adapted seed for customers across the eastern US. Purchase by packet, ounce or pound of pure live seed.
Toadshade Wildflower Farm, Frenchtown, NJ. A Mail-order for nursery-grown and propagated native perennial seeds and plants; carries a large number of species for a small operation. Owner Randi Eckels holds a PhD in Entomology and is very knowledgeable about Native Plants and Seeds for Southern New England and the interdependence of native plants and insects in our ecosystems. Services include the design of customized seed mixes for specific projects.
Connecticut Native Tree, Shrub and Perennial Availability List
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